
Membrane deaerators

Based on liquid/gas exchanges, membrane deaerators are widely used in industry to eliminate gas present in water prior to the production of ultra pure water. Membrane deaerators, an alternative to alcanisation, provide simple, effective solutions in industrial processes.

This technology enables the water carbon dioxide (CO2) level to be reduced considerably, which results in a reduction of water conductivity.

These systems, manufactured from naturally hydrophobic hollow fibres or containing micro-porous capillaries, take up very little space and are simple solutions to carbon dioxide elimination.

Thermal deaerators

Thermal deaerators ensure deaeration of feed water by eliminating corrosion-causing dissolved gases such as dioxygen or carbon dioxide.

This technology enables the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the water to be reduced considerably, which results in a reduction of water conductivity.

This technique, widely used in industry, reduces water salinity without recourse to treatment by injection of dissolved oxygen (sulphites). The costs associated with the purchase of an oxygen reducer are rapidly eliminated.

This simple and efficient technology guarantees a supply of water of a consistent, controlled quality for industrial processes.

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